Frequently Asked Questions

Can I borrow a wheelchair? Is there a changing facility for my baby? Every question a customer asks, can either lead to a visit - or not, if you don't answer it. So pages with an overview of frequently asked questions are important for your visitors. They help them quickly find answers to their questions that are important to them at that moment.

Frequently asked questions can be entered into the Garden Connect platform in a structured way. 

  • We have compiled a list of more than 80 frequently asked questions, allowing visitors to your website to get their questions answered quickly.
  • The frequently asked questions are also well-indexed by search engines like Google. We use the format for this purpose. 
  • You can categorise, create and modify questions at your convenience.
  • A good FAQ ultimately ensures more online orders & shop visits, which is why this module is also available to everyone by default. 

If you want to know more about our FAQ module, please contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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