Introducing: André van de Polder
André started in February 2012 as a Front-end Developer at Garden Connect. We would like to introduce him to you in this blog.
Front-end Development
“As Front-end Developer I make the translation from visual design to technical visual. This makes use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I do this, with other developers, for many different customers of Garden Connect. This ranges from relatively simple websites to complex webshops, and from small visual improvements to full projects.”
Job interview the same day
“The first job I had within IT was as an all-round designer at a start-up company. After working there for one and a half years, Garden Connect contacted me, and I had a job interview the same day! After missing the right exit on the road the first time, my first impression was very positive. Open, honest and sociable people, who are informal with each other. Back then, there were only ten other colleagues. And after that, I never took the wrong turn, and I also switched from driving to cycling.”
From car to bicycle
“I used to come to the office by car daily, but that slowly changed to cycling more and more. One day, around six years ago, someone asked me: “Wouldn’t it be nice for you to come by bicycle?”. I never had thought about it before and started to come by bicycle some days. Now I get the question: “Do you still own a car?” because I cycle to work every day.
Continuously developing
“There are always new technologies and developments within IT, that make me want to keep expanding my knowledge. Also, I want to keep improving my current skills and keep the quality high.”
In daily life
“After work, I prefer to use my time for relaxing, like reading books or hiking in nature. I also like to join the company bootcamp to keep fit. I don’t really keep plants in the house as my cat keeps killing them, now all my plants are artificial! Having said that, nature is close to my heart, I love going outside where I enjoy the many flowers and most of all the butterflies.”